Identify Motivators, Increase Your ROI

Identify Motivators, Increase Your Return On Investment (ROI)

Identify Motivators, Increase Your Return On Investment (ROI)

A CEO was asked how many people work in his organization. He responded, “Oh, about half of them.” As comical as that response is, it is the truth in many organizations today. In fact, the latest Gallup study showed that nearly 70% of employees have some level of disengagement.

Gallup has studied employee engagement for decades, interviewing millions of people in various jobs and companies around the world and their findings have consistently shown the same thing: the more engaged the employee, the better their work performance.

Judy Suiter has worked with hundreds of companies for over three decades increasing engagement by helping management teams understanding what motivates and drives employees so that they don’t just come to work physically, but they actually show up engaged and productive.